7 Ways Meditation Can Change Your Life

You don’t need to be a monk to reap the incredible benefits of meditation. I mean, you could become a monk. But that’s not necessary. You can do it anytime, anywhere - and there are many different ways to do it.

Meditation is one of the most powerful tools you can use to help reduce stress, improve your health and happiness, and expand awareness. Simply put, meditation is about being completely present in the moment. When you meditate, you don't focus on the past or the future. You just focus on your breath and whatever emotion you're feeling at that moment.

Depending on your preferences, you can meditate alone or with a group; in a formal seated position or while doing other activities; for one minute or for one hour; and so on.

Speaking of groups, if you’re interested in deepening your meditation practice then join Punnu Wasu for his upcoming meditation teacher trainings in Bali and Europe. Heal yourself and change your life.

Here are seven ways meditation will transform your daily life.

Meditation can help you focus

Unlike some forms of meditation, mindfulness meditation doesn't involve clearing your mind or focusing on nothing. Instead, it involves bringing your attention back to the present moment when you notice that your mind has drifted away.

So this kind of meditation can actually help you focus - by teaching you to notice when your attention is wandering and then return it to the task at hand. And this ability to focus can have practical benefits in your daily life: It’s been shown, for example, to improve working memory and reading comprehension.

Meditation can reduce your stress levels

All humans have stress at some point or another. For most of us, it's a part of life. While occasional stress is not something to worry about, when it becomes chronic it can have adverse effects on our health and well-being. Medical problems that can be associated with long-term stress include heart disease, asthma, hypertension and depression.

If you are interested in reducing your stress levels without medication or other major lifestyle changes (though they may also be options), meditation will help!

Meditation may help ease anxiety

If you are constantly worried, meditation may help calm your mind. If you have anxiety and try to deal with it by eating, meditating can help control your cravings and provide an alternative coping mechanism.

Meditation is a tool that has helped countless people cope with their anxiety, both in the short term and long term. It allows you to better understand yourself by helping you look at things objectively. You can then use this knowledge to manage your triggers and reactions in the future.

Meditation can help you relate to others better

In a way, meditation makes you more likeable. Think about it: people like to be around others who are confident and able to see things from their point of view. Meditation can help you achieve both of these things.

Meditation helps broaden your perspective, which enables you to listen with empathy and relate to what other people are saying in the moment instead of simply thinking about how you're going to respond.

It also helps connect you with your body, which grounds you so that when someone is talking to you, rather than becoming anxious or feeling like they're attacking you, it's easier for you to take a deep breath and stay quiet while they finish what they're saying. This will make them feel heard and validated - and will make them more open to hearing your perspective as well.

When we quiet our minds enough through meditation, we become aware of the stillness around us - and this carries over into our interactions with others as well.

Meditation promotes healthy sleep

Meditation can help you sleep in two ways. First, meditation helps reduce anxiety and stress, two of the biggest culprits of insomnia. When you meditate before bedtime, your worries will have less control over your mind and body, helping you fall asleep more easily.

Second, meditation helps calm your mind and body down by teaching you to focus on the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or future. This is why some people find falling asleep easier when they meditate right before going to bed - they are able to stay in the present moment without their mind wandering off into a series of stressful stories.

Meditation improves your immune system responses

There is a reason that so many people who meditate seem to have stronger immune systems and better health. The reason why is that meditation improves your immune system response.

What this means is that your body will be able to fight off disease better than those who do not meditate. Of course, you can't just sit around and not eat right or work out thinking you are invincible because of the fact that you meditate. You still need to take care of your body or else it isn't going to take care of you either.

Meditation just makes you happier!

Meditation helps you be happier.
It helps you be present.
It helps you be aware of your thoughts.
It promotes living in the moment.
It helps you savour the moment.
It makes you more grateful.
It makes you more compassionate.

If you’re interested in diving deeper into the ocean of meditation then join Punnu Wasu for his upcoming meditation teacher trainings in Bali and Europe. Heal yourself and change your life.

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